2013 Fort Collins Fringe Festival
The First-Ever Fort Collins Fringe Festival took place in 2013 at Bas Bleu Theatre Company as a Downtown Development Authority community event and featured more than 35 local artists, including many youth from Fort Collins. In 2014, we anticipate doubling our artistic participation as well as audience attendance as the event is extended to two days with multiple performance venues.
Diana Small and Heather Ostberg Johnson in Mad & a Goat
In 2013, the Fort Collins Fringe Festival facilitated collaborations between la-de-da performing arts students, local actors who perform with Bas Bleu and OpenStage Theatre Companies; playwrights Carol Van Natta, Levi Badganoff, James Roller and Diana Small; and directors Dulcie Willis, Joshua Dorsey and Nick Turner. In addition, The Comedy Brewers Fort Collins Improv Troupe performed an improvised 30-minute play based on the audience’s suggestions. In this regard, the audience also becomes a collaborator.